About KITE

Who is KITE

KITE was founded and is led by Dr Teresa Parish who joyfully spends her life serving God and the Church locally and globally.

KITE is ecumenical in scope, orthodox in belief, and spirit-filled in action.

Our Mission

Encouraging Leaders. Dr Teresa’s driving mission is to encourage and support Christian leadership. Leading often feels a thankless task where you pour out from a sometimes dwindling supply. Teresa loves to come alongside leaders to listen, pray, offer prophetic insight, and create space for refreshing from the Lord!

Empowering Congregations. Teresa wants Christians to know the power and authority we have in Jesus! We are meant to live from Heaven’s perspective. This means living victoriously and courageously, using our spiritual gifts, and sharing the good news of God’s love!

Meaning of KITE

Kites are birds found throughout the world. They soar effortlessly and have exceptional vision. Like the Kite, we want to soar with ease on the winds of Holy Spirit while seeing things clearly from Heaven’s perspective.

What KITE does

  • Preaching

    Dr Teresa will tailor her message to your congregation and invitation. With a PhD in theology and years of cross-cultural and pastoral ministry Dr T brings solid Biblical exposition in an easy to understand, often humorous, and life applicable way.

  • Visiting the less visited

    Growing up in rural Australia Dr Teresa understands what it is like to live in small, isolated, and often spiritually dry places. Whether your group is 7, 70, or 700 Teresa would love to meet you and bring encouragement from the Lord.

  • Teaching

    Want practical, easy to understand, and fun teaching on Kingdom life? Dr Teresa has taught at retreats, churches, small groups, conferences, and workshops in-person and online throughout the world.

  • Prayer & Prophesy

    Prayer is learning to be in God’s presence and actively participate in hearing Him. As Holy Spirit teaches us how to pray we witness our lives, families, communities, and nation changed! Dr Teresa would love to come and pray with you.

Pastor Teresa Parish Ph.D.



Teresa is the founder of KITE Ministries. She is an enthusiastic lover of Jesus and people. Teresa is a gifted communicator who thinks life with Jesus is worth getting excited about! Teresa has a strong anointing for healing, prophetic ministry, and teaching.


As a pastor’s kid Teresa was raised with a deep love for God, the Church, and a heart for leaders. Growing up all over Australia gave her a passion for adventure and learning.  

Teresa has worked as a high school teacher, safety trainer, and school psychologist. However, her heart has always been to see the Church on fire for Christ, embodying the full expression of God’s love and power in the world.  

In 2006 Teresa went to Hong Kong to explore her call to cross-cultural ministry. Since 2010 she has gone on many ministry trips and served in leadership in her local church. Teresa has degrees in Arts, Education, Psychology, and Theology. Teresa’s Ph.D. in theology explored preaching with an interpreter in cross-cultural multilingual religious contexts.

Teresa is an ordained minister in The Foursquare Church currently serving as associate pastor at The Bridge. She lives in the San Francisco Bay area with her incredible husband.